
At Sports World, our expert gunsmiths understand the importance of keeping your firearms in top firing condition. Whether it’s general maintenance, re-assembly, repair, or diagnostics, our gunsmiths have seen every brand and model, and performed every type of service.

Concerned about potential safety hazards with your firearm? Since 1976, Sports World gunsmiths have the experience you can trust to either make the necessary repairs, or recommend the most qualified gunsmith for your specific brand and type of firearm. We also provide general warranty services on specific firearm brands.

Sports World offers in-store gunsmith services

Custom Gun Work:

  • Trigger jobs – starting at $50 labor + the cost of the spring kit (Rifles and Pistols)
  • Glass Bedding an Action on a Bolt Action Rifle – starting at $100
  • Recoil Pad Installation – wood stocks starting at $50 labor + the cost of pad, synthetic stocks starting at $75 labor + the cost of pad
  • Muzzle Brake Installation -$120 KDF Brake + $100 labor to thread barrel
  • Thread Rifle Barrel for Silencer – $100 labor to thread barrel to correct thread for 22” Barrels or Longer
    • $150 labor to thread 21” or Shorter Barrels (Barrel Removal and ReInstalling)
  • Cut and Crown Barrel – Barrel Under 22” when threading $85
    • Over 22” when threading $35
    • Just cut and crown barrel $135
  • Mounting and Bore Sighting Customers Scopes – Rifle and Handgun Scopes $25
  • Night Sight Install Free with Purchase of Sights from Store
  • Night Sights Brought In for Installation: Dovetailed Sights Installation $25 – Sights that Need to be Drilled and Fitted Installation $40

Best of all, you can pass the time checking out our 16,000-square-foot hunting haven, or enjoy a meal at our Camo Cafe while you wait.

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