Every good prepper is filling up a bug-out bag and stocking the homestead, with the threat of another brutal winter, and the very real possibility of the nation’s supply chain breaking down. What will you do when store shelves are empty because supply ships are stuck in some port?

Few Oklahomans will ever forget the winter of 2021, which delivered a polar vortex that wreaked havoc for weeks. Power grids and heating units were stretched to the limit, and cupboards ran bare with people stuck in their homes for days on end. Imagine last year’s winter with this year’s geopolitical threats.

shipping containers
Shipping containers pile up in U.S. ports, as retailers struggle to find labor to unload and transport merchandise. Photo courtesy: Getty Images


Better safe than sorry

It’s always a good idea to keep at least a 10-day supply of food, water and other necessities on hand; but now more than ever before is the time to ensure you and your family are ready for anything. Wouldn’t you rather feel silly for having too much, than feel desperate because you don’t have enough?

The great news is that you can stop by Sports World at 6841 E 41st St. in Tulsa for most all your emergency preparedness needs.

The bare minimum prepper

At the very least, each person in your family should have a two-week supply of water – one gallon, per person, per day. Also make sure you have enough food for each person (and your pets) for two weeks. Your best bet is survival meals because they’re nutritionally balanced with plenty of calories. If you don’t have the time or ability to order full meals, have plenty of canned foods, dry goods and other non perishable items.

Throw in a battery or crank-powered radio, a flashlight with fresh batteries, a first aid kit, some gloves and handwarmers.

With the threat of COVID-19 and all its variants looming, it’s also wise to keep a supply of therapeutics that show promise in minimizing the symptoms and length of illness. Dr. James Meehan of Tulsa has treated thousands of COVID patients with 100 percent success using supplements and safe, effective medications. You can find most of the items online or at your local pharmacy. It’s also smart to have at least a 30-day supply of any prescription medications you require (more, if your physician will allow).

Worst-case scenarios

No one wants to think about the worst that can happen, but it’s wise to think about what you would do if stuff really hits the fan. How will you communicate with family members if cell towers go down? Look into long-range two-way radios or satellite phones.

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks have the potential to disrupt unprotected critical infrastructure. Communities could go without electricity and cellular service for extended periods of time. Imagine if such an event were to happen during another polar vortex! That’s when the most prepared families will be grateful they took the time to plan ahead.

Stock up on fire starters and firewood (if you have a fireplace or wood burning stove) in case you lose power in the cold.

Consider buying a generator, at least big enough to recharge cell phones or small items. Remember that if things get really ugly, you may have a tough time finding a generator for rent. If you’re financially able, think about ponying up for a sure thing. These days, you can also find solar chargers powerful enough to keep phones and tablets running.

To protect your electronics from an EMP, look into building your own Faraday cage. You can also find information about protecting your home, vehicle and electronics in the case of an EMP here.

The bug-out bag

Some emergencies force you to leave your home. Quickly. In such cases, the smart prepper Bug-out Bag or Go Bag is ready and waiting in a fully gased and serviced vehicle, filled with essentials for daily living and family protection.

Sports World has the perfect prepper bug-out bag for your specific needs, with compartments to keep your gear organized. Fill the bag with the bare minimum supplies from above, plus:

  • Toiletries
  • At least one change of clothes and socks
  • Tools (nails and screws)
  • Duct tape
  • A sharp folding knife
  • A handgun
  • Plenty of ammunition
  • Fire starters
  • Trash bags
  • Zipper bags
  • Anything you’re addicted to or physically dependent on (caffeine, daily meds)

Here’s a great list of prepper supplies that will have you ready for any emergency. Check out some of the bug-out items you can find at Sports World right now.



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